[How we Are]

Initiative, Influence, Innovation and Impact

Initiative influence invasion and impact organization (I4o) is a non-governmental, non-political and nonprofit organization was registered with the Ministry of Economy with registration number 4338 in 2017. (I4o) since its establishment has successfully implemented numerous humanitarian, health service delivery, youth empowerment projects in urban, semi-urban, and rural areas with different geographical, demographic, and security situations in several provinces of the country. (I4o) has been implementing Health, Food security, agriculture, nutrition, water sanitation and hygiene, Education, Capacity Building, Behavior Change, Social Development, Youth Wellbeing, Gender Equality & Equity, Charity and Emergency Aid, Peace & Youth, and stability projects and research, assessments, studies, and surveys for the different thematic areas. (I4o) through the implementation of numerous humanitarian projects reached the most vulnerable segments of the societies such as; children, women, youth, elders, IDPs, people with disabilities, and nomad populations, either through its developmental projects or by raising awareness on their rights through IEC/BCC, short-term courses, seminars, and workshops. (I4o) geographically covers all 34 provinces of the country through either one or more of the above humanitarian services.

Mission Statement

To create an environment in which men and women are able to improve their standards of living through equitable and sustainable use of resources, with special attention to the vulnerable group of the society specially women and Children.

Vision Statement

I4o vision is of an Afghanistan where the entire population lives with improved livelihood, social justice, integrity and prosperity. Where all human rights, including the rights of women and children, are recognized, upheld and respected, and where citizens have an active role in determining the values, direction and governance of their communities and country—for the benefit of all.

Core Values

Commitment: (I4o) is committed to delivering quality services to its target group based on their needs, to continuous improvement and innovations, and to effective collaboration with our stakeholders and society at large for positive and sustainable change.


We conduct ourselves at all times in a manner that is ethical, legal, and professional, with the highest degree of honesty, respect and fairness.

Accountability: We promote openness and transparency in our operations, ensuring that we are accountable for our actions at all times.
Respect: Regardless of gender, caste, religion, language, or ethnic considerations, (I4o) treats all segments of society without prejudice.

Impartiality: We are impartial in our actions. The delivery of our services is based on the needs of our target groups, without consideration of nationality, race, religion, or political point of view.

Safeguarding: I4o is committed to preventing all forms of sexual abuse and exploitation (SEA) and providing a safe working environment for its employees as well as ensuring the contractors/ vendors/ partners comply with the PSEA policy or code of conduct.

Diversity: We are respecting the diversity and therefore ensure the best of composition and an employee equity environment within the organization.
Innovation: (I4o) is pursuing new creative ideas that have the potential to create positive changes at the national and international levels.

Continuous Improvement: We strongly believe that a precondition for continuous improvement is the encouragement and reward of excellence. Thus, the employees of (I4o) will tirelessly pursue continuous improvement and excellence in projects, processes and services, and define success as
getting the right things done well.

Professionalism: We through professionalism motivate the employees to take pride in their works by performing in line with professional standards. We also take a proactive stand to create and maintain a healthy working environment for the workers.